Practical Steps to Positive Impact

Is this course for you?

Astrapto means to illuminate and this course sheds light on the social and environmental issues organizations encounter in their supply chains and offers recommendations for ethical procurement. Every organization purchases something so every organization has an opportunity to make a positive impact on people, planet, and profit through responsible sourcing.

This course is perfect for any one in any type or size of organization who wants to learn more about how to improve environmental and social performance in daily operations. No expertise or experience in sustainability is required. It is ideal for general managers, small business owners, corporate procurement staff, sales teams, and anyone who wants better understand sustainability and take practical steps in the right direction.

This is for anyone who sells anything to a publicly traded company! Supply chain transparency is becoming a hot compliance topic. Are you ready? 


Participants learn to engage stakeholders, conduct a sustainable procurement audit, create ethical purchasing policies, and set goals to improve social and environmental outcomes. Learners consider the implications of purchases they can influence and walk through exercises to take real steps forward.

The course contains 20 lessons with bite-sized content (videos 10 minutes or less); handouts with relevant and useful tips, tools, and resources; and exercises that help you take a step-by-step approach, including a Sustainable Purchase Audit Template and video how-to for conducting your own audit. 

Course outcomes

  • Recognize the social and environmental impact of procurement through supply chain research.
  • Develop a research process for finding purchasing data needed to make informed decisions.
  • Conduct a sustainable purchasing audit.
  • Establish sustainable purchasing goals, policies, and practices.

Topics include circular economy, plastics and single-use items, toxic chemicals, carbon emissions, humane working conditions, supplier diversity, and buying local.

See the full curriculum below and preview the first 3 lessons for free.

Three Course Options

Self-paced Course

Take as little or as much time as you want. Some go through the whole course in one day. Discussions and assignments are optional (you’ll need a lot more than one day to do those!). You have access to the course for 12 months for a one-time purchase of $99.

Guided Accountability Program

More than half the people who sign up for courses like this never even get through the first lesson. We get it. Life happens. You get busy and everything these days is an urgent fire drill that will always take higher priority.

The other reason for this is people trying to get sustainability going at their jobs often complain of feeling like they’re alone in this.

The solution is to have regular guidance. You’re not alone in this journey! We can help you stay accountable – not only to viewing and learning the content but to put it into action! If you sign up for this 8-session program (typically runs over 2 to 4 months), you’ll get customized, 1-on-1 expert advice for 3 payments of $249.00 each.

Download the one-on-one program details and sample schedule here. 

Once you sign up you will receive an email with an intake form and a link to select a date and time for your first call. You will have access to the course for 2 years.

Cohort Coaching Program 

Everything is more fun in a group! We offer the Guided Accountability Program in a 6-week group format. The key benefits of this program are:

  • Research shows you learn and retain more when learning with others.  
  • Amp up the accountability.
  • Cross-pollinate ideas among those from different industries and types of organizations.
  • Lower price (group rate).  

Cohorts are made up of up to 15 participants. Our Fall 2021 Cohort begins October 18th. Download the program here. The Cohort program is 2 payments of $219 and you will have access to the course for 2 years from date of enrollment.

Course curriculum

  • 4

    Lesson 3: Triple Bottom Line of Procurement

  • 5

    Lesson 4: Environmental and Social Issues in Procurement

    • Lesson 4 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 4 Checklist

    • Lesson 4 Video: Environmental and Social Implications of Procurement

    • Lesson 4 Discussion: The Start of your Journey

    • Lesson 4 Exercise: Read Between the Lines

    • Lesson 4 Summary and Handout

  • 6

    Lesson 5: Sustainabiltiy Reality and Trade-offs

    • Lesson 5 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 5 Checklist

    • Lesson 5 Video: Some Reality and Trade-offs

    • Lesson 5 Discussion: The Reality of Trade-offs

    • Lesson 5 Summary and Handout

  • 7

    Lesson 6: The Stakeholder Imperative

    • Lesson 6 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 6 Checklist

    • Lesson 6 Video: The Stakeholder Imperative

    • Stakeholder Engagement Survey

    • Lesson 6 Discussion: Who is in your circle?

    • Lesson 6 Exercise: Stakeholder Inventory Worksheet

    • Lesson 6 Summary and Handout

    • BONUS: Video on the value of Green Teams

  • 8

    Lesson 7: Materials Management and Circular Economy

    • Lesson 7 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 7 Checklist

    • Lesson 7 Video: Materials Management and Circular Economy

    • Lesson 7 Discussion: Reflections on Recycling

    • Lesson 7 Exercise: Circularity Deep Dive

    • Lesson 7 Summary and Handout

  • 9

    Lesson 8: Plastics and Packaging

    • Lesson 8 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 8 Checklist

    • Lesson 8 Video: Plastics and Packaging

    • Lesson 8 Discussion: Hold the plastic, please.

    • Lesson 8 Exercise: Unpack Packaging

    • Lesson 8 Summary and Handout

  • 10

    Lesson 9: Paper and Single-Use Items

    • Lesson 9 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 9 Checklist

    • Lesson 9 Video: Paper and Single-Use Items

    • Lesson 9 Exercise: Be a TreeHugger

    • Lesson 9 Summary and Handout

  • 11

    Lesson 10: Carbon Emissions in Supply Chains

    • Lesson 10 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 10 Checklist

    • Lesson 10 Video: Carbon Emissions in Supply Chains

    • Lesson 10 Exercise: What’s the Footprint?

    • Lesson 10 Discussion: Share the Footprint

    • Lesson 10 Summary and Handout

    • Environmental Priorities Survey

  • 12

    Lesson 11: Chemicals and Human Health

    • Lesson 11 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 11 Checklist

    • Lesson 11 Video: Chemicals and Human Health

    • Lesson 11 Discussion: Why so sensitive?

    • Lesson 11 Exercise: Concerning Vendors

    • Lesson 11 Summary and Handout

  • 13

    Lesson 12: Humane Supply Chains

    • Lesson 12 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 12 Checklist

    • Lesson 12 Video: Humane Supply Chains

    • Lesson 12 Exercise: Supply Chain Research and Information Exchange

    • Lesson 12 Summary and Handout

  • 14

    Lesson 13: Supplier Diversity

    • Lesson 13 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 13 Checklist

    • Lesson 13 Video: Supplier Diversity

    • Lesson 13 Discussion: Representation Matters

    • Lesson 13 Exercise: Supplier Diversity

    • Lesson 13 Summary and Handout

  • 15

    Lesson 14: Buy Local Strategies

    • Lesson 14 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 14 Checklist

    • Lesson 14 Video: Buy Local Strategies

    • Lesson 14 Discussion: Where is local?

    • Lesson 14 Exercise: Impact Over Convenience and Uniformity

    • Lesson 14 Summary and Handout

    • Social Impact Priorities Survey

  • 16

    Lesson 15: The Role of Certifications

    • Lesson 15 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 15 Checklist

    • Lesson 15 Video: The Role of Certifications

    • Lesson 15 Exercise: Certifications Inventory

    • Lesson 15 Summary and Handout

  • 17

    Lesson 16: Prepare for a Procurement Audit

    • Lesson 16 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 16 Checklist

    • Lesson 16 Video: Prepare for a Sustainable Procurement Audit

    • Lesson 16 Discussion: Teamwork makes the dream work!

    • Lesson 16 Exercise: Get Ready!

    • Lesson 16 Summary and Handout

  • 18

    Lesson 17: Perform a Sustainable Procurement Audit

    • Lesson 17 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 17 Checklist

    • Lesson 17 Video: Perform a Sustainable Procurement Audit

    • Lesson 17: Perform the Audit (download spreadsheet template)

    • Lesson 17 Summary and Handout

  • 19

    Lesson 18: Sustainable Procurement Policies and Practices

    • Lesson 18 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 18 Checklist

    • Lesson 18 Video: Sustainable Procurement Policies and Practices

    • Lesson 18 Discussion: Check-in

    • Lesson 18 Exercise: Propose and Implement Changes

    • Lesson 18 Summary and Handout

    • Sustainable Procurement Audit Survey

  • 20

    Lesson 19: Impact Goals and Reporting

    • Lesson 19 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 19 Checklist

    • Lesson 19 Video: Impact Goals and Reporting

    • Lesson 19 Exercise: SMART Goals

    • Lesson 19 Summary and Handout

  • 21

    Lesson 20: Next Steps

    • Lesson 20 Outcome and Description

    • Lesson 20 Checklist

    • Lesson 20 Video: Next Steps

    • Lesson 20 Discussion: What's next?

    • Lesson 20 Summary and Handout

  • 22

    Resources and Extras

    • Handouts in Combined Document

    • Sustainable Purchasing Audit Template

Choose from Three Options

The self-paced course, a 6-week cohort program (groups up to 15 participants), or the one-on-one 8 week guided coaching - which best fits your style and needs?


The Change Maker

Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton

Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton is Founder and Chief Change Agent of Astrapto LLC, which offers courses, coaching, and consulting to advance sustainability in hospitality, events, travel, and other services industries. Her passion is to make sustainability practical and positive for people whose job title is not sustainability, but who have a passion to drive positive impact in and through their organizations and supply chains. Aurora loves helping people realize their potential while discovering a greater purpose for good in business. She has helped over 120 young professionals launch green teams and perform sustainable procurement audits. Her clients include World Wildlife Fund (Hotel-Kitchen), Centerplate, Baltimore Convention Center, Green Seal (hotel eco-certification), the Events Industry Council, and various hotels and restaurant groups. She has been a thought leader and volunteer in industry organizations, including the Events Industry Council and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Aurora has a doctorate degree in Social Impact Management.

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